Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Valentine's Day
Yesterday wasn't a romantic night for me at all, not because of my dear didn't celebrate it well with me, he did in fact, but I was the one who sick so badly, so I was the one who ruin all his plans, so sorry dear. We promised to have another celebration when I'm fully recovered. Darlinn planned lots of programme with me the night before, we planned to go for movie after our lectures, then go to Cardiff Bay to walk around and have our dinner there, must be a romantic nite to celebrate Valentine's day in Cardiff Bay, I wish I could have another chance to celebrate at there, will ask from my darlinn one day =p But everthing got ruin up by me, after my lectures, I was so tired and moodless, after my lunch, I told my darlinn that I don't feel like going for movie already, then I went to bed directly, slept until 4pm, woke up and took my shower, after that went to computer room to online to do some stuff, at 6pm we went to Nando's for dinner instead of Cardiff Bay, coz I can't stand of the cold weather and Cardiff Bay will be very very cold esp at nite. I ordered a quarter hot chicken with spicy rice and peri garlic bread as side dishes. Quite nice but still I've no appetite to finish it. After our dinner, we went for movie, watched 'Casanova', luckily I managed to stay awake throughout the movie, if not my darlinn gonna start bursting out I think, hehe.
Lovely darlinn, Happy Valentine's Day 2006. Love you always ...
I'm recovering now, but too bad, my darlinn is getting infected by me, he is going to sick now. Poor darlinn... so0ry ...
posted by Lay Ming at 7:06 PM | Permalink |