Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Shrove Tuesday 24-02-2009

It also known as Pancake Day, the day preceding the first day of Christian season of fasting and praying called Lent. This festival is widely associated with the eating of food such as Pancakes, because this is a way to use up rich foodstuffs such as eggs, milk and sugar, before the fasting season of the 40 days of Lent. Consumption of these were traditionally restricted during Lent. For more info, please google by yourself :p (Above info is taken from wikipedia).

Johann and Theresa kindly organised this party at 60 Colum Road (my house), thank you guys! 

There was like 16 people all squeezed in the living room. Theresa prepared Lo Mai Fun (glutinous rice) and fish congee, and Johann was the one who prepare the pancakes. 

We had ice-cream and fruits as the topping, it was so yummy ... 

Landlord of the house. 

I was really tired last night in the party, so ignore all the tiring look of mine, i had been staying in the lab from 10.30am to 7pm before. Told myself not to take any pics at night, but no, i can't stop smiling and posing when i see the camera, haha! OK well, this is my blog, so i think i should post up some happening event that happened in my life, and ignore the tiring look :p I had a great night with the bunch of housemates and friends.
posted by Lay Ming at 10:19 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I hate the fact that tomorrow is Monday. 
I don't want to go back to the lab. 
I want to stay at home like what I am doing now for this two days. 
I'm spending most of my time on my lovely bed :p
I hate working with pig's nipples.
I have had enough FUN with it ....

Why do we have 5 days of weekday and only 2 days of weekend?
Why can't we have the other way round?
JH said because weekdays is for earning money and weekends for spending money.
So we couldn't afford to only earn money for 2 days and then spend money for the rest of the week. 
-_- Oh well, i have to accept this.
Thanks JH for your explanation :p

And also for WEW,
I want your life. 
You have 7 days of weekend in a week.
I am very "bo kam guan".
Thanks for your companion every single night,
so sorry if i'm being too annoyed.

I love everybody around me,
they are just so nice to me.
they keep me strong.
Thanks everyone.
posted by Lay Ming at 8:55 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Due to the boredom in the lab, I took this pic of him.

Excuse me, because my iPhone doesn't have zoom function, hence this is the best shot of him i could get. And, i will try to capture from the front next time so that you guys can see his handsome look.

Yeah, this is Charles, my FYP supervisor.

posted by Lay Ming at 10:46 PM | Permalink | 2 comments
Updating on my 'V' day post:

with the girls at Ichiban restaurant.

Theresa showing her love towards me

I definitely had a great night with you girls. 
You girls rock my day!
posted by Lay Ming at 8:56 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Good News.

Good News..

Good News ...

I've got my Autumn exams result last week, and to my surprise, I PASSED!!


This is really a MIRACLE!! Hey everyone, miracle do happens sometime, just need to believe and pray hard :p

As you know I was having this big big big huge huge huge problem during my exams period. I thought I gonna fail all my exams as I wasn't paying attention at all during revision time. I was crying most of the time and I think I cried more than I actually revised. I remember a night before one of the papers, at 11pm, I was on the phone with my friend for 2 hours, she spent 2 hours talking to me trying to make me feel better so that I could concentrate better for my exams. After hanging up the phone call, I spent another hour revising and went to bed straight, was so tired after all day crying :p

Even though the results weren't fantastic at all, but I don't care, I am more than happy that I can actually passed. Thanks God again for your blessing. Mom and dad were worried for me so much, I really don't know what to do to make them feel better at that moment, they went online every night just to spend time talking to me, to cheer me up. I could only smile to them in return, just don't want to make them worry even more. 

After this, I've learnt one important thing, friends are all you have when you are away from home, and I'm glad I've such a lovely friends who support and be with me every single moment when I need them. Thank you guys for being here for me whenever I need. I'm sorry if I am bothering you too much with my own problem. 

I'm getting better, seriously. Thanks for every text messages, MSN messages, FB messages, phone calls and everything from you guys. I really appreciate it so much, you guys have made my days brighter. I love you all. Muacksss ... ~ 
posted by Lay Ming at 6:02 PM | Permalink | 4 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
I thought I'll have a blue valentine's day this year, but I'm fine, seriously, and I'm proud of myself too. Thanks to everyone that helped to cheer up my blue day, I am really glad I have you guys all around me to cheer me up. Frankly, my emotion was so unstable a week before, I've been crying every now and then especially at night when I turned off the light. Don't worry I stand up again after a week of self-torturing, I will move on lil' by lil'. I promise.

Thanks SF for spending your valentine's night with me listening to me and giving me advice, I really feel alot better after chatting to you. I'll take your words and move on with my own life. Don't know why when I am facing this problem, I feel like wanna talk to you so much, have been waiting for you to online for so long and finally I see you on MSN yesterday, so happy! Thanks again for your comfort advice. Love you lots.

Then while chatting with SF, my lovely housemate Theresa cooked me lunch, a simple but full of love and nutrient's lunch. Pasta with sweetcorn, mushroom and fish. We had a wonderful meal and watching HK drama at the same time. I'm glad to have your companion throughout the afternoon although you made lot of "noise" when watching drama :p I wouldn't know how much tears gonna wasted again if it weren't you spending time with me yesterday.

Then in the evening, lovely Eunice drove us to Tesco Extra to do groceries shopping, nothing much to buy but I just love to go Tesco/Asda for no reason :p Didn't buy much but get some baking ingredient as I had promised Gillian to bake Green Tea Chiffon Cake for her. After that we headed to Ichiban for Japanese food as dinner. 4 of us: gillian, theresa, eunice and me! We definitely had a wonderful girls night out with each other. Thank you again girls for your companion. I love you all lots.

*no photo yet as I haven't get them from Eunice, hopefully i will remember to upload those photo once I got them la*

Tonight, I baked Green Tea Chiffon Cake, glad that my first attempt in the UK had succeed. I tried twice before when I was home during my summer break, under my mom's supervision, and now I did it all by myself. Hooraayyy!!! Clap clap clap for myself. and and and, my housemates love it, awww ... that's the most happy moment to see them greedily eating the cake baked by ME! :p

Ignore the look of the cake, i know it is not presentable at all, but who cares? as long as it is delicious and yummy yummy!! :p

Want recipe? Email me. or leave me a comment.

Ok, need to sleep now, hate the fact that tomorrow is Monday again. Need to work in lab again for the whole week. Praying hard that I can get a good permeation result next week for my project. Good night!
posted by Lay Ming at 12:17 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009






posted by Lay Ming at 9:33 PM | Permalink | 5 comments

I have been working with this HPLC machine nearly everyday in the lab since 2 weeks ago, and will still continue working with it till i finish my project in April i think. I hate it so much! I have got so much problems with it. After 2 weeks of "hard" work, I still couldn't work out what is the correct ratio of mobile phase for it. Arghhhhh I am really fed up! All my result couldn't be interpreted correctly due to this main problem. I got funny results every time I tried to run them through HPLC. 

Aww ... i'm sorry, just ignore the above paragraph if you don't have any clue on what's going on, because I don't really know much about it too to be frank.

OK, throughout this 2 weeks working in the lab, I have make up a very serious decision, I am not not not going to do phD ever in my life, not even if they pay me 40k for doing phD (aduh, as if got ppl wanna pay me so high for phD). I am so stupid when comes to practical work. What I've learnt in theory throughout my MPharm life are all returned to the lecturers. I don't have any single knowledge in my brain right now. 

A few incidences that happened in the lab:

Me: What is the difference between all these HPLC machines? (we have 3 HPLC in the lab)
Charles: Ahhh, where is all your knowledge on PH2108 gone?
(PH2108 - one of the modules in year 2 taught by him)
Me: (smiling) probably I've forgotten everything ... :p

Charles: (giving me instruction on what to do next) do this ... do that ...
Me: (blur face) oh okie (trying to act like understood him)
a few minutes later ...
Charles: do you understand what I was saying?
Me: emmmm .... not really .... 
Charles: Urghhhh ...

Before leaving, 
Charles: ... do this do that ... remember to keep the tissue samples in the fridge, we going to extract the drug from these tissues tomorrow.
Me: okie, no problem! 
Upon going home (it was 7.30pm ok), shut down everything and gone straight home, totally forgot about the tissue samples, it was left unwrap and freely expose to the environment.
At 10.30pm, OMG, gillian help me, I am in a deep shit!! 
Next morning ...
Me: charles, i am going to confess something to you.
Charles: OMG what have you done???
Me: explain and explain and still explain.
and he was quite fierce at that moment, but luckily he was alright afterwards.

aiksss ... there are too many careless mistakes done by me in the lab (Charles is so going to faint seeing me seeking for help from him everyday and he is so going to fail my project). Last night I nearly spoilt the super damn expensive HPLC. Charles spent about 2 hours to repair it this morning, but thanks God it is back to function again. But but but I'm having another problem with it again now!!! Arghhh .... this stupid machine here really drive me crazieee ~~~

posted by Lay Ming at 1:04 PM | Permalink | 2 comments
Thursday, February 05, 2009
The world's most CANGGIH tele-communicating:

Yeah, there were cute, weren't they? 

Brian was on call with LipSing, while Gillian was with Eunice, so four of them were tele-communicating. What a cool way of connecting people from difference houses together! 

I salute you two!! :p
posted by Lay Ming at 11:55 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Snowy Cardiff - part two
Here are the other photos i took in the park .... 

Let's those pics do the speaking ...

Colum Road girls.
From left: Connie, Gillian, Theresa, Me.

We love the snow.

Happily running on the snow like a small kids. 

Janet and myself.

Myself, Gillian and Alice.

Aww ... back at home, got to get ready for the LAB :(
posted by Lay Ming at 4:11 PM | Permalink | 3 comments
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Snowy Cardiff - part one
Photo taken on the snowing night. It started to snow at around 7pm on the 2nd Feb (Monday). I didn't go out to play with the snow on that night itself, but i took a few photo from Theresa's room, it was freezing cold. 

Along Colum Road ... the street where i'm currently living in ...

The final photo was taken from my room, the tree outside my window was covered with snow. 

This is the second time that Cardiff is covered with snow throughout my life in Cardiff, in average it snows every two years! The last snow was in Feb 2007. I miss you so much Juliet Ho, we actually stayed up all night to wait for the snow back then, and I remember it only snowed at 4am, so we didn't sleep all night till 7am in the morning. How crazie we were! 

This year, i couldn't afford to stay up all night to wait for the snow to thicken, because i need to come into lab the next morning for my research project. I woke up early in the morning, 7.15am, to get myself ready to play with the snow in Bute Park with friends... more photos coming up concerning the snow in Bute Park. 

Gotta continue with my project now. Lab is just so boring! :p
posted by Lay Ming at 3:48 PM | Permalink | 0 comments