Thursday, November 22, 2007
here are the pics on my unsuccessful banana cake;

but ....

promise me you won't laugh ok !!

this is the 1st cake i ever bake in my entire life. it look great here right? i was so happy to see that it is baked perfectly, but to my surprise, under neath the crust, it was all unbaked flour, totally unbaked! weird!

and this is the second banana cake that i've baked, with the help of Gillian (my hoursemate aka coursemate). this one wasn't 100% succeed but we are satisfy with our own talent and ability, haha. that cream color patches on the cake was actually the watery flour thing that is unbaked properly, and it slip out of the cake. but seriously it taste good!

i didn't take the photo of my chocolate cake, too disappointed with its appearance, will try hard again some other time then only post up the perfect pics ya.

was suppose to sleep an hour ago but then think of printing lecture's note for tomorrow lecture, who know i don't know how to use my too-high-tech-MAC-notebook to print file from adobe reader. was spending exactly an hour time to figure out how does this PowerBook work, yet i failed. Is anyone out there help me with this stupid MAC? i am so frustrated with it now.

i want to print slides from adobe reader, and i want only in black and white, how do i actually do that? i'd tried to change the setting in color sync to black and white, but this stupid MAC thinks i wanted only the stuffs in black and white, so all those color stuffs don't appear. my handout is full of color, how? how? how?

(actually i have this prob not only with acrobe reader, but also with power point or all the programme that my lecturers use to display their presentation slide)
posted by Lay Ming at 1:15 AM | Permalink | 5 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Am a lucky girl ~ always been loved and pampered by families and friends

Thank you all of you ...


last night i received an email,

from Boots Job

with the title: We are delighted to offer you a placement on the Alliance Pharmacy and Boots Summer Placement Programme 2008

I was screaming like hell !!!

(i admit i was abit over-reacted)

so, i'll be spending my summer in Oxford, with Boots Pharmacy for 8 weeks starting from 16th Jun. Sad to say i might not be able to go home for this coming summer.

Somebody help me ... I want to go home ...
posted by Lay Ming at 1:09 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The weather in Cardiff is turning bad this few days, winter coming, the day is getting shorter while the night is longer. We get dark around 4pm and sun rise at around 7am. The worst thing is the temperature is getting colder and colder. It has reaches the stage that you can't leave the house without gloves and scarf, or else you will freeze to death, and wearing only a layer of jean is definitely not enough to keep you warm.

Too bad my house is very old, so the temperature inside our house is nearly the same as the temperature outside the house, so it's freezing in the room too. I used to not to turn on the heater in my room for the past two years' winter (only turned on for a few times throughout the whole winter) but now I can't survive if there is no heater in my room, and i might also need electric heater later on.

Too stress until I baked three cakes in three days time. First two days was banana cakes, where the first one failed and the second one not bad. First cake i bake ever in my life and it failed, feel so sad, I made up my own method as my mom didn't write any instruction for me, she just wrote the ingredients and I thinks she thought I am an expert just like her, where I can figure out which ingredient to add first by myself, so turned out the cake was so watery (non-baked at all) Haha. Well that was the first time. You don't get thing done perfectly at your first tried, do you?

So I called my mom early in the morning to ask for help. S.O.S. She told me all the steps and then there comes my second banana cake, it still a lil' bit watery but this time it was due to the thickness of the cake, it was too thick so the heat couldn't reach the center part of the cake. But we still enjoy eating it. So we planned to try out our third chocolate cake, this time we were smart enough to separate it into two to reduce the thickness of the cake. The first one failed again (it didn't raise) then we add more baking powder and soda powder to the second set, shy to say it failed as well but at least it has the texture so it tasted a little like cake (the spongy spongy feel :p)

Will call my mom again tomorrow to ask her exactly what's going wrong then might try my forth cake again day after tomorrow.

It has been a month since my darling left me. Glad to say that I'm still alive, hehe. Thanks to all of my friends who take care of me all this while. You all are the best ..!!!
posted by Lay Ming at 6:21 PM | Permalink | 3 comments
Sunday, November 11, 2007



posted by Lay Ming at 3:38 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Yoooo .... I know I haven't update my blog for quite some times, so so sorry ya for those who check on my blog frequently. Hehe.

Reasons for not blogging are; LAZY plus BUSY !!!

Pardon me.

Last wednesday went to visit to Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport, found out that to be a hospital/clinical pharmacist is a challenging but interesting job, the only problem with me choosing to be clinical pharmacist is LACK OF CONFIDENCE !!!

Am a really terrible person, especially after I came to the UK. Leaving and studying in a total stranger place is not fun at all, except for the chances to get travel around the Europe countries. Workload is hectic, speaking and writing in my third language is the worst part, where i find that I am so anti-social person now, because of my Grade E english. How to improve speaking skills? I surely can speak well in Mandarin but not English at all, how?

Speaking is the first problem I've encountered, I can't mix around with the locals because I tend to lost track after a while and I don't know what are they talking about most of the time. Especially during workshops, where we were grouped with the locals in a group of 4 or 5, where I am the only asian. Okies, let say this, we were having a workshop of medical history taking and checking as if we were a clinical pharmacist, our role is to check on patient's medication to see if there is any interactions between the drugs, or whether they are taking the correct doses of each medications, bla bla bla ... I was so quiet and I don't know what to ask the patient at all, I did asked the essential questions but my problem is I don't know how to evaluate my questions. Whereas the ang-mo can easily thrown out all type of questions which came into their mind in a second (probably because I still need to arrange the words in my mind before I speak out and they don't)

Arrrrr ...!!!!! Why am I so stupid?

CONFIDENCE, where are you? Please come back to me ..!!!!

I know there are a few Malaysians encountered the same problem as me, but I think I am the stupidest one amongst all of them. Exam Results are always so bad even though I've tried my best, it's always below average, while I used to be quite OK during my secondary or even A-Level moments. I know I had let my parents down because of my results every year, they think that I didn't do well because I'm in a relationship, which make me hate them sometimes. (maybe they aren't but the way they talk to me before my exams make me think so)

I don't have many friends over here, coz I think I am very stupid, I really think so.

Environment and stupidity had changed me to an anti-social person.

I really hate myself now.!!!

Oppsss ...

so sorry to blast everything here today coz I really couldn't stand it anymore, hectic workload really drive me crazy.

posted by Lay Ming at 11:39 AM | Permalink | 2 comments
Thursday, November 01, 2007

已经一个星期没得上网了,没有原因的,家里的internet无缘无故坏掉了,打了几百通电话到Virgin Media那里,却没有下落,就这样我与世界隔离了一个星期。若你问我没有internet的日子怎么过,我会跟你讲,“哇,很难熬啊!”都忘记了以前中小学的时候没有internet是怎么活过来的。

再说现在的O2 free minutes又不能打回家了,根本就不能联络到家人,所以说我之前的生活简直就与世界隔离了,既不能上网又不能讲电话,但还好现在的internet恢复正常了,虽然电话还是不能打回家,但至少可以上网啊!

在家里装了landline,以方便darling打电话给我,因为便宜很多叻。所以说,如果你们很想我的时候,可以随时打电话到我房间找我喔,顺便就推销一下,用DiGi来打呢,只需18仙每分钟;用Maxis的话,就贵了一点,每分钟20仙,但是在拨打国际号码之前可要加*132*(就是说, 132 00 44 29 xxxxxxxx),如果没有按132的话,就会被charge很贵哦,但如果用DiGi就可以放心的打咯。(以上的价格只供拨打至landline,若拨打手提价格会贵很多了!)



Anyway, Happy Halloween 啦!
posted by Lay Ming at 12:35 AM | Permalink | 3 comments