I used to like chemistry so much during my secondary studies, but I'm getting frustrated with my chemistry now. Hate it so much. Especially the organic chemistry, it's total different from the one I learnt for SPM and A Level. Chemistry is sucks nowadays. Exam is coming soon, but I still so confuse with everything I learnt. No idea how to study for it, and how am I going to sit for exam on this coming May?? Only the curly arrow for all the mechanism have made me sick of it. I'm so so blur on drawing the curly arrow. Why am I learning all this curly arrow? A pharmacist need to know all the curly arrow? I doubt it. The other thing is all the Biological Chemistry and Stereochemistry... I'm really gonna mad with all my studies.
I used to think of doing MPharm Degree will be the right and perfect choice for myself coz I like chemistry so much and mostof the Degree module is tought base on Chemistry. Now I realised that I'm absolutely wrong. Doing this degree make me hate Chemistry so much. I don't have any confidence on myself in the exam I'll be sitting in May. Just hope that I can pass my exam..
I'm actually rushing for my Chemistry Lab Report now, tomorrow is the due date. Instead of doing my report, I prefer blogging at here, shouting out the feeling of mine towards Chemistry. Hehehe. This is a lot better than doing the report that I don't actually know how to write it down in words, isn't it? I prefer craping and nagging in my blog rather than to do serious work on my lab reports. A student life ....