15th March 2006 * Wednesday * Sunny
Today I have no lectures for the whole day. Great day for me to sleep. I woke up at ...pm, feel shameful to tell you guys what time did I wake up this morning, haha. Planned to wake up earlier to finish my lab reports but ended up nothing. This is ME ..!
Sitting in front of the computer right now, suppose to do my Pharmacology CAL Package in Blackboard but still waiting for the mood to come. Suppose to do my Chemistry's Lab Report but not really know how to do. Should say don't know how to write it in words, especially in ENGLISH. My english is super poor for your information. Anyone can help me on how to improve my English??
Final exam is coming really soon. Time passes so fast, my 2nd semester is almost over, this means I'm going to finish my 1st year soon, but I'm still wondering, what'd I actually learnt in this 1st year? Can I pass my exam smoothly? My mind is full of questionss ...
I might be going back during this easter break, to visit my aunt (I call her 'mama' since I was born), she is in a serious condition now, suffering from cancer since few years ago. The cancerous cells have spread dangerously nowadays. Hope that I am able to visit her before anything gone worst. I haven't confirm my departure date yet, and might be taking either MH0007 from London at 7pm on the 29th of March or MH0001 from London at 10pm on the 29th of March as well. The only thing I'm wondering is am I able to catch the latest flight from KLIA back to KB on the same day? I really worry of her condition right now. Pray hard for her everyday. Hope she won't suffer so much anymore. Love her always..