Monday, May 22, 2006
Congrate to...
On the 22.05.2006 (today) at 11.41am, my N70's screen showed: "you have 1 new message". Opened and read the message. It's from HER, she wrote: "Heh, I m done. I finish my degree le! Heehee.. I going to burn all my note soon! Haahaa.." I replied: "Congrate..."
Yeah, very much congrate to HER again here, wish you all the best in your future, ie career. Hope you can get a high paid job as soon as possible. Do enjoy yourself during this free from school and work period.
I am really envy of HER so much, at least she doesn't need to attend any lectures, rush for the uncompleted assignments, and the important thing here, SHE doesn't need to sit for any exams anymore. *Hooraayy*
I still got 3 more papers to go, 23rd, 25th, and 30th of May. Wish myslef and all those who are having exam lot lot of luckss. *Gambate*
posted by Lay Ming at 5:41 PM | Permalink |


  • At May 22, 2006 at 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous


    Thanks for the compliements!!!
    Going to start our a completely new life now.. a bit scared leh!

  • At May 23, 2006 at 1:19 AM, Blogger ZMM

    Soon.. yours will be over as well..

    Going to still stay in Cardiff or coming home then?

    I envy you though.. Cardiff must be real beautiful.. I haven't been there.. but went to some small town in Wales before, and that was already a very nice place.

  • At May 23, 2006 at 1:25 AM, Blogger ZMM

    Btw, wish you all the best in your exams.

  • At May 23, 2006 at 2:54 AM, Blogger Lay Ming

    Zara's mama, my graduation is in the year of 2009. Awww, still got 3 years to suffer. I am doing pharmacy degree, it's a four years course and this is only my first year.
    After my degree, i will probably stay in UK for at least a few years if I were allow to get a UK work permit. I'm going back to Malaysia soon, maybe beginning of July after my sister's graduation ceremony. I will have a 3 months summer holiday after my exam. *Cool*
    If there were a chance, then can bring Zara and her coming sibling travel to UK, hehe, since she has no fear on taking flight when she went to Bali.
    Thanks for your wish, hopefully I will pass my exams with flying colours.