Saturday, May 20, 2006
PH1106 exam
Had my second paper this afternoon at 1.00pm, PH1106 Social and Professional Pharmacy. It is a 2 hours paper which I need to answer 5 questions all together. The venue for this paper wasn't that bad as my first paper. It is half the journey to the venue of my first paper. It took me around 30mins to walk there. Not bad not bad.!
Nothing much to say on this paper too. Just pray hard I can pass with flying colours. Didn't do really well, and some of them had lost in my memories, so I just made my own solution up, hope I've made a logical guess this afternoon.! Last night when I was chatting with my coursemate through MSN, I told him to read for RPSGB (Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain), it may be come out in our exam. I hit this question, it really came out in today's exam (just the first question of all). Too bad, silly me didn't memorize the answer.! I wrote everything down on a piece of paper few weeks ago and plan to memorize it a day before exam, but I forgot.! Oww, so I ended up writting what I knew in the answer sheet, hopefully it still can gain some points. *pray pray* For other questions, just like normal, some can do and some couldn't remember the points. It's normal for a student to forget some points that they have read rite? I'm forgivable *借口*
posted by Lay Ming at 1:16 AM | Permalink |