Friday, May 26, 2006
PH1202 exam
PH1202 Principles of Pharmacology. This paper is really sucks.! It was so so tough until I can't even understand what the questions asking for. I ended up writing all the nonsense I had in my mind, with the limited knowledge of Pharmacology's principle. I've ignored my sleepness for the whole entire night, memorising and working on the uncomplete Pharmacology's notes, yet what I got this morning was a completely blank questions. I mean my brain was blank due to the tough questions and not my sleepiness. I was 100% awake during the 3 hours exam, my eyes was so round and big after looked into the exam questions.

Here's a little part of the principles of Pharmacy:
When you get shock, this will lead to sympathetic response. This type of response causes the pupils in the eye to dilate so that more light can enter and the ciliary body relaxes to have a far view. Sweat gland in the skin will increase sweating. Pilomotor in the skin will undergoes piloerection and the hair on the skin will stand.

Okie, due to all these sympathetic responses, it helps me to stay awake during the 3 hours exam. Of course the nescafe I drank is effective too.
posted by Lay Ming at 2:25 AM | Permalink |


  • At May 27, 2006 at 2:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    add oil!! add oil!!
    One more paper to go!!
    Then we can meet up and enjoy our summer holiday liao!

  • At May 29, 2006 at 1:43 AM, Blogger Lay Ming

    Enjoy the holiday is nice. But before the happy moment come, the toughness moment must ne overcome first.! My life now is bad. Looking into all the notes make me headache only.!