Thursday, May 04, 2006
Spring '06
It's spring now, but I am wondering why it wasn't windy plus a little cool as I always seen from the movie. The scenery is really good, I admit this, with all the colourful and beutiful flowers all over, especially in the park. All the trees is covered with beautiful flowers, red, pink, white, beige, purple in colours. On the ground, the yellowish flowers grow on the grass, nice and bright+sharp colour of Tulip in the park, Lavenders all around esp road side. You can see everyone is hanging around or picnic in the park. Laying down on the ground and do whatever they like, sleeping, studying, chit-chatting, eating, etc etc. I like to see them gather in a small group and study on the ground. It's fun and looks really like university student life. I wanted to try once too but have no chance, no one accompany me here.
The only thing I would like to complain over here is the hot weather. Why is it so hot nowadays? No more wind or cool weather. The temperature is extremely high I guess. 20˚C? 25˚C?? I can just go out with my T-shirt with jeans. I wish I have a short pant with me here, then I can wear that now. The worst thing is during night time, when I am super tired after my revision in the library for half of the day and wish to have a good rest after all the *hard work*, I just couldn't sleep well cause it is too hot. Open the window widely but still the same, cause outside don't have any wind at all. I seriously hope I can get a fan here, but I'm not sure whether the university allows us to have an electronic fan in our room. Got a little feeling of *winter time* is the best, I really prefer cold than hot weather.
posted by Lay Ming at 6:27 PM | Permalink |


  • At May 4, 2006 at 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    really that hot arr?? here still very cool.. still need a jacket to go out.. and yesterday wind is super duper strong plus rain.. sob sob.. i am all wet on the way home.. as u now it's time for my umbrella to lay on the tong sampah!

  • At May 4, 2006 at 10:15 PM, Blogger Lay Ming

    That's sound so good in Glasgow. Here is hot like hell. Today I don't even need a jacket when I am out. LAst few days also the same. At night cannot sleep, it's too hot.!