Saturday, November 25, 2006
This morning, darlinn received a christmas present from santa claus I guess, haha. When he woke up to prepare himself for lectures, he noticed there is a parcel on the table, his name and address was written on the parcel. So he opened it and had a really big surprise, guess what is inside?

It was a nokia N93 handset. Woowwww ... Isn't it come from santa for his christmas present? I know it is abit too early to receive christmas present, but I don't care, I call it christmas present for him, because I think it it something like christmas, where those kids wake up early in the morning and find some presents outside their room door on christmas day, or maybe in the really huge sock hanging by the window :p

If you believe me that it is from santa, then you really as childish as me, haha.!

Two or three weeks ago, darlinn saw a handset contract from one of the online website, it is really really really cheap deal on this particular phone, so he just simply apply for it. But he got an email replied saying that the phone had out of stock. So ok, fine, he thought this will be better since it will help him to save up his money. Until this morning, he received the phone from the service provider .......

I was testing on the camera, and took this photo for fun, haha.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Today I went to play badminton with my housemates, first time to do sport seen ages, I never do sports for like 5 years?? I do enjoy today's badminton with them, found that it wasn't that bad. I am suffering from muscle pain now actually. I felt tired after 15mins of playing, really memalukan, isn't it? But I played for like more than an hour in total. That's why I have muscle-ache now. Tomorrow will be better or worst???

Our next housemates outing will be Winter Wonderland in Cardiff City Hall next weekend. Will consider ice skating with them.

**To ade, now i have to say i go out alot since this term, my housemates are really an active person, but before this i never go out, seriously.!**

posted by Lay Ming at 12:28 AM | Permalink |