Monday, January 29, 2007
I did a really silly plus stupid thingy during my Response To Symptoms (RTS) Test today. How could a person don't know the duration of the test while she is sitting for the test. Yes, the person is me. Stupidly sit for the test and thought of there's plenty of time left so slowly read and analysed the question while looking for answer from BNF, MEP and notes.

Was checking every single drugs given in the question from BNF to check whether there is any contra-indication between the drugs prescribed. Was checking whether the situation given is a drug-induced state, where you get the illness because of some other drugtaking previously, whether the situation giving is severe and need to refer to the doctor.

Brain suddenly got blank when the tutor announced "you have 2 minutes left", while I left more than 10 questions haven't complete. I proudly thought our test is 2 hours and I can finish it slowly and carefully, but the test is held for only 1.5 hours. Goshhh ...! Now i seriously know what is called panic. Where your brain get really blank and the whole body shaking throughout the last 2 minutes. Can't think much at that time, just simply choose the answer without look at the case study. This is a negative marking system test, +1 for correct answer and -1 for incorrect answer. So probability of getting 40% (passing mark) is less than 0.1. What can I do now other than praying hard?
posted by Lay Ming at 11:32 AM | Permalink |