Had my Clinical and Professional Pharmacy paper this afternoon. It is basically something to do with diseases and symptoms (got to know recognize what disease is that when patient describe their symptoms), law questions (negligence, consumer law, contract law, health & safety stuffs etc), hospital pharmacy, communication skill, etc etc. Was very confidence before I looked at the question, but after read through the first question, confidence gone.! Questions are more towards common sense (esp the very first question) and I am really bad in this style of question. Question asked how do you ensure your patient that collection service is as safe as she handed the prescription in by herself? How? How? I don't know. If can, I would answer if you don't trust us (the pharmacist and the prescriber) then walk in to hand your prescription over to the pharmacist by your own. But of coz for me to pass this exam, i didn't write that. I crap from consent to agreement to safe delivery to bla bla bla, couldn't remember. But overall, the paper still fine, I think I still can have at least PASS for this. Finger-cross and pray hard.
Am currently not in a very good mood, suppose to study for Friday's paper but just not in the mood yet, so pardon me for crapping around here. Had some argument with him just now, right after my exam, argue bout silly thing, really really silly, I know I am stupid for easily get angry of this silly matter but I don't think I am wrong, maybe I am wrong at the first place but he took it too seriously. We argue of the way I speak to him through the phone? Stupid rite? I called and he didn't pick up the phone, called again and I asked, 做么没有接我电话?I don't know how I sounded by that time, but this is my normal way of speaking to him when he didn't answer my call. We both have exam this afternoon, at 1.00pm, different venue. I don't care how you did in your exam (only for this situation) maybe you were in the bad mood due to the exam so you were hyper-sensitive to my words, but heys, I just speak as usual to you, don't you blame everything on me when you are in the bad mood.
Shouldn't have blog this out (家丑不可外传~)and I've never blog anything about our unhappy moment before in the blog, but what I really wanna say here is leaving together really made us argue more. Even a single tiny thing he've done can really irritate me sometimes. I rather we stay apart from each other although we will miss each other but at least we will have our own privacy and spaces when we need to. Someone once told me, this is not the best solution after all, cause I will still need to face the same problem in the future if we going to marry each other and stay together forever, and advise me to solve the problem rather than avoid the problem. I tried, I've tried to be more patient but sometimes it is hard tho (PMS???The best thing to blame on :p)
Am currently not in a very good mood, suppose to study for Friday's paper but just not in the mood yet, so pardon me for crapping around here. Had some argument with him just now, right after my exam, argue bout silly thing, really really silly, I know I am stupid for easily get angry of this silly matter but I don't think I am wrong, maybe I am wrong at the first place but he took it too seriously. We argue of the way I speak to him through the phone? Stupid rite? I called and he didn't pick up the phone, called again and I asked, 做么没有接我电话?I don't know how I sounded by that time, but this is my normal way of speaking to him when he didn't answer my call. We both have exam this afternoon, at 1.00pm, different venue. I don't care how you did in your exam (only for this situation) maybe you were in the bad mood due to the exam so you were hyper-sensitive to my words, but heys, I just speak as usual to you, don't you blame everything on me when you are in the bad mood.
Shouldn't have blog this out (家丑不可外传~)and I've never blog anything about our unhappy moment before in the blog, but what I really wanna say here is leaving together really made us argue more. Even a single tiny thing he've done can really irritate me sometimes. I rather we stay apart from each other although we will miss each other but at least we will have our own privacy and spaces when we need to. Someone once told me, this is not the best solution after all, cause I will still need to face the same problem in the future if we going to marry each other and stay together forever, and advise me to solve the problem rather than avoid the problem. I tried, I've tried to be more patient but sometimes it is hard tho (PMS???The best thing to blame on :p)