Thursday, November 01, 2007

已经一个星期没得上网了,没有原因的,家里的internet无缘无故坏掉了,打了几百通电话到Virgin Media那里,却没有下落,就这样我与世界隔离了一个星期。若你问我没有internet的日子怎么过,我会跟你讲,“哇,很难熬啊!”都忘记了以前中小学的时候没有internet是怎么活过来的。

再说现在的O2 free minutes又不能打回家了,根本就不能联络到家人,所以说我之前的生活简直就与世界隔离了,既不能上网又不能讲电话,但还好现在的internet恢复正常了,虽然电话还是不能打回家,但至少可以上网啊!

在家里装了landline,以方便darling打电话给我,因为便宜很多叻。所以说,如果你们很想我的时候,可以随时打电话到我房间找我喔,顺便就推销一下,用DiGi来打呢,只需18仙每分钟;用Maxis的话,就贵了一点,每分钟20仙,但是在拨打国际号码之前可要加*132*(就是说, 132 00 44 29 xxxxxxxx),如果没有按132的话,就会被charge很贵哦,但如果用DiGi就可以放心的打咯。(以上的价格只供拨打至landline,若拨打手提价格会贵很多了!)



Anyway, Happy Halloween 啦!
posted by Lay Ming at 12:35 AM | Permalink |


  • At November 3, 2007 at 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    ya c2pid O2! i think all providers now are charging a very exp rate for calling international call.

  • At November 4, 2007 at 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    It's not so expensive ler calling overseas..hehe..I thought the charges will be very high.hehe~

    Today we had small small ex 4sc5 & 5sc5 gathering. layling,annie,li zhao, chin siang and me. Do you still remember them? WE plan to have another gathering maybe during cny. So you are welcome k..

    All the best in everything k.TAke care as you are so far.fully support you from me :-)

  • At November 4, 2007 at 5:24 PM, Blogger Lay Ming

    yuni, the charges is not expensive if you call to landline but it will be expensive if call handphone.

    of coz i sttill remember all of them, but too bad i can't join the gathering, even during CNY i will not be at home, i wish i could go back to celebrate CNY but I don't have holiday, and I won't be able to celebrate CNY for the coming few years time, haihhh so sad!

    Ade, O2 said they temporary suspended the phone number which we used to use it to call home, so if i get any number that can be used to call home, will let u know ya.