Saturday, November 10, 2007
Yoooo .... I know I haven't update my blog for quite some times, so so sorry ya for those who check on my blog frequently. Hehe.

Reasons for not blogging are; LAZY plus BUSY !!!

Pardon me.

Last wednesday went to visit to Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport, found out that to be a hospital/clinical pharmacist is a challenging but interesting job, the only problem with me choosing to be clinical pharmacist is LACK OF CONFIDENCE !!!

Am a really terrible person, especially after I came to the UK. Leaving and studying in a total stranger place is not fun at all, except for the chances to get travel around the Europe countries. Workload is hectic, speaking and writing in my third language is the worst part, where i find that I am so anti-social person now, because of my Grade E english. How to improve speaking skills? I surely can speak well in Mandarin but not English at all, how?

Speaking is the first problem I've encountered, I can't mix around with the locals because I tend to lost track after a while and I don't know what are they talking about most of the time. Especially during workshops, where we were grouped with the locals in a group of 4 or 5, where I am the only asian. Okies, let say this, we were having a workshop of medical history taking and checking as if we were a clinical pharmacist, our role is to check on patient's medication to see if there is any interactions between the drugs, or whether they are taking the correct doses of each medications, bla bla bla ... I was so quiet and I don't know what to ask the patient at all, I did asked the essential questions but my problem is I don't know how to evaluate my questions. Whereas the ang-mo can easily thrown out all type of questions which came into their mind in a second (probably because I still need to arrange the words in my mind before I speak out and they don't)

Arrrrr ...!!!!! Why am I so stupid?

CONFIDENCE, where are you? Please come back to me ..!!!!

I know there are a few Malaysians encountered the same problem as me, but I think I am the stupidest one amongst all of them. Exam Results are always so bad even though I've tried my best, it's always below average, while I used to be quite OK during my secondary or even A-Level moments. I know I had let my parents down because of my results every year, they think that I didn't do well because I'm in a relationship, which make me hate them sometimes. (maybe they aren't but the way they talk to me before my exams make me think so)

I don't have many friends over here, coz I think I am very stupid, I really think so.

Environment and stupidity had changed me to an anti-social person.

I really hate myself now.!!!

Oppsss ...

so sorry to blast everything here today coz I really couldn't stand it anymore, hectic workload really drive me crazy.

posted by Lay Ming at 11:39 AM | Permalink |


  • At November 11, 2007 at 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    BaBy, what happened to you lately, since the day i left UK to Msia. What i'm thinking about our previous mistake was that we alway sticked together during our young age, so this scenario has limit us to socialize with your surrounding friends. Try to socialize more by mixing with different type of friends. As social with the local, i think that is the main problem been facing by most of the international students,so take your time ok?you are not alone out there. I'll be at your side supporting you my boo!

  • At November 16, 2007 at 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Come on la Ming..
    stupid people will not successfully pass the admission interview 2enter into ONE of UK's TOP 5 Pharmacy schools OK!!!!
    Cheer up! its just a matter of time to mix and talk with the others. the next thing u discover would be they r actually more c2pid than u.=)