Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
 H a P P y  H a L L o w E E n  2 0 0 8  

It's halloween day today, any party for you everyone?

I will just stay at home tonight, no where to go, no party for me ... :(

I'll be out for dinner with lil' Gill, and then back to my super cold room to do reading! Arghhhh ... my companion for tonight will be JOURNALSSS!! It won't be a fun weekend for me anymore, as I need to work really hard, too many things to do and prepare for next week.

* ~ Weekend = WeekDAY for me ~ *

My fellow friends in KL are having halloween party tonight, I wish I could be there to join the fun, but I am far far away from them now. Give me another 2 years, and I will be back to enjoy all the fun with you guys EVERYDAY!! I will be back at home for good in year 2011? *finger cross*

Oh ya one more important thing, while everyone is shouting for the WARM/HOT/SUPER HOT/EXTREMELY HOT weather in Malaysia or Singapore, I am the one shouting and screaming for the SUPER DUPER FREEZING weather in Cardiff ~ I know you guys will ask me to enjoy it, but the cold is unbearable, and I am seriously missing the weather back in Malaysia. This is the coldest autumn I've ever experienced!

If you do have a party tonight, have fun! 
posted by Lay Ming at 12:03 PM | Permalink |