Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Life as a student in final year isn't easy at all, what's more doing master year! 

"you are doing master year now, so we are not going to spoon fed you anymore, all we will do is student-directed-learning, which mean you do your work and we watch!" 

This word was thrown to us on the very 1st day of lecture *pengsan* after that followed with all the presentations and courseworks. I was still having in my holiday mood and could not concentrate in the lecture at all. All i knew is we had been loaded with 2 group presentation and 1 individual presentation on the very first week of lecture, let's alone the test and coursework.

Been in a group preparing for a presentation isn't a bad idea, at least you can spread out the workload and also show some team-spirits, but the problem is when you are working with a bunch of "ang mo", plus my english isn't good at all, also by having limited knowledge and very poor communication skills, i feel like i am a dummy in the group. I am the most stupid-est in the group! 

I just hate being here all alone doing my final year. All my friends had gone home or will be going home soon, i don't feel like staying here anymore, i just want to go home as well. I know i shouldn't behave like a child but sometimes i just broke-down and i don't know where shall i start again. The feeling is just indescribable. 

I pray for 明天會更好!

posted by Lay Ming at 7:06 PM | Permalink |