I don't want to go back to the lab.
I want to stay at home like what I am doing now for this two days.
I'm spending most of my time on my lovely bed :p
I hate working with pig's nipples.
I have had enough FUN with it ....
Why do we have 5 days of weekday and only 2 days of weekend?
Why can't we have the other way round?
JH said because weekdays is for earning money and weekends for spending money.
So we couldn't afford to only earn money for 2 days and then spend money for the rest of the week.
-_- Oh well, i have to accept this.
Thanks JH for your explanation :p
And also for WEW,
I want your life.
You have 7 days of weekend in a week.
I am very "bo kam guan".
Thanks for your companion every single night,
so sorry if i'm being too annoyed.
I love everybody around me,
they are just so nice to me.
they keep me strong.
Thanks everyone.