Monday, March 09, 2009
I had Thursday and Friday off from lab this week :p 
But now the long weekend had come to the end.
I need to get back to my normal daily routine,
sleep and wake up early to go to the lab :(
I hate it so much.

It will be the 7th week of lab work tomorrow,
I have another 3 or 4 more weeks to go,
follow by Easter break (3 weeks),
then then then ....
23rd April - FYP Poster Day
1st May - FYP Thesis Submission Date
Wish me lucks k! 

OK so ....
What have I done in this loonnngggg weekend?
I baked a coffee sponge cake for my housemate, KarEng.
It was his 25th Birthday on the 5th of March.
I eat, I sleep, I chat, I online ...
and also planning for my family's UK trip in July.
Now I have had a rough idea where to visit to in this coming July.
Of course I also did some work on my FYP thesis :p
Thanks to Theresa for forcing me to do my work.
She promised to cook me dinner if I manage to finish work before she comes home,
but if I don't then I will have no dinner tonight.
Yeahhh I manage to finish the work I specifically told her I will do for today.
Altho not alot but at least I did do something.
Now I don't feel guilty anymore as I normally do for the past few weeks.

I need to go to bed now. I need my beauty sleep :p
Hate the fact that tomorrow is Monday!
Hate to go back to the lab and start working with pig's nipples!
Hate to stuck in the lab all day from Monday to Friday!
posted by Lay Ming at 12:26 AM | Permalink |


  • At March 9, 2009 at 1:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    i love today..coz it's public holiday in m'sia..haha..planned to go for gym juz now..but it rain!got to cancel the plan..sad~ made me woke up so early in d morning..ish ish..
    anyway,good luck on ur thesis ya..hehe..XD

  • At March 9, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Blogger Lay Ming

    yieeee ... holiday again!! you guys got lot of public holiday la, not fair!!! raining can still go for gym ma, gym is an indoor activity ma, won't get wet pun!! haha!
    thanks, good luck for your upcoming exams too!

  • At March 9, 2009 at 11:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    d problem is wana walk to college is super far lo..will become drench chicken..haha..but whn d rain stop,v walk to college..n d guard told us it's close..gona siao ady tat time..walk so far but it's closed!!!!