Friday, July 24, 2009
don't know how to describe my emotion now, it was terribly bad yesterday. 

frankly speaking, i don't want to leave Cardiff to go to Didcot. i don't know what to do to survive this brand new start. i don't have a single friend there, no one i can seek for help when i'm having problem. how am i going to survive? 

half of me actually scare of pre-reg itself, i already forgot everything i learnt in this 4 years, but this is not the main point, because i have confidence that once i start working, things will just came back to mind, or more reading will bring everything back to mind. the worst worst thing is the place that i'm going to, with no friend at all :( 

can i really survive in there for a year? please pray hard for me, to meet all the good and helpful and kind people, so that my life in Didcot would be a better one. 
posted by Lay Ming at 3:02 PM | Permalink |


  • At July 26, 2009 at 1:11 AM, Blogger TLo

    It'll be good because God is watching over you my friend :)

  • At July 27, 2009 at 6:50 AM, Anonymous Yuni

    Dont worry my dear..everything will be fine there. Lets take it as a new challenge k? Sure will have new friends and good to have new environment. Love ya, muax..

  • At July 30, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Blogger euNICE

    ah Ming :) the starting will always be hard.. but i'm sure you'll have a good time there. take care oh.. keep in touch! <3