Final spring exams is just a week away, am so stressful now!! Every day and night revisions, even at night in my dream also can dream of the notes the topics and the modules!!! Sweat!! The thing is after so many weeks of hard work, there is still stack of handouts that haven't been revised. How? I am seriously have lack of time to finish all of them!!!
Random Pics taken in the library when i was too bored!Cardiff Uni is just so so so stupid ... They make us (3rd year students) to study so much, so much that you will never understand unless you are here doing 3rd year in Cardiff Uni with me!!! They are just so mad, they think we are God or what, that can study everything and remember everything for the bloody exams!!!
Seriously i can't remember what this handout about, must be something about receptors in the body, or maybe about anti-cancer therapy, am i going to sit for exams? spot my difference colour of STABILO BOSS highlight pen? I got a set of six colours, orange, green, yellow, pink, purple and blue!
Worst thing is that, I got to read this from some student from local university in Malaysia, they are just so "relax" during exams. They have been provided with all, or most, of the questions, or the topics, that will be examined during the exams!! What they need to do is just MEMORISED that particular topics or questions! I am so so so damn jealous! Sometimes i just asked myself why am i so stupid to come over to Cardiff Uni for my degree? Why i don't just stay in Malaysia, take STPM instead of A-Level, then go into local-university then i can easily PASS my exams without fail!! Isn't this is alot better than trying so hard to revise for the exams and the result just barely a PASS, after-all what a company looks for is FIRST CLASS, the grade, and not which University you were from!!!
my mini oreo to boost my energy when i am tired and hungry, from lovely darling, and the mini dictionary, that's from lovely juliet, it really help in revision, instead of trying to guess what the word meant! thanks alot~
We don't get any tips from our lecturers in Cardiff University, not even a single one. What we need to do is read and understand and memorise everything given during lectures, sometimes you don't even have the time trying to understand the concept, what you do is just blindly memorised and there you go for the exams.! It's pretty depends on lucks sometimes, to get or not to get the questions you are familiar and that whether it is still fresh in your mind, if it's not then GOOD LUCK to you!!
This is the only tips i got from my lecturer for one of my modules , which i found it is useless! Read it, and that's exactly what we have for our tips!!! Do you think it is helpful? We have this every year before exams!I was too streesed out yesterday, i cried hopelessly, i know i still have to go on. Luckily i have my darling here in the UK, although he is not directly next to me, but it is good that i can call him anytime i want, without worry of what's the time in malaysia and what will he be doing when i wanna call.
and just wanna tell someone here, it is not very useful when i called and said i was stressed-out for the whole day, and your replied is ... what are you thinking of? why can't u concentrate? did you revise your work everytime after each lectures? why didn't you do so? bla bla bla .... Come on, why can't you give some useful advise that can actually make me smile and keep going on with my revision? (and this come from my nearest family members, that's why i hate to call home when i am really stressed! Maybe you don't even realise what you said to me is actually hurting me! Please be more understanding!!!)