Tuesday, May 29, 2007
lay ming
Roman Bath; Spring'07







posted by Lay Ming at 1:38 AM | Permalink | 4 comments
Saturday, May 26, 2007

最讨厌的是,考试期间就特别爱睡(或许你会说我一年 365 天都爱睡,但这段时间我真的特别快累,脑筋用得多了就会酱吧~)
偏偏就过了考试想再多睡一下,以补回过去失去的睡眠(已经两晚没睡了)但就是无法好好入眠,只睡了三个小时就无端端自己醒过来了,心情不是太好咯 (*_*)



(不要紧张,就只是要再借到下个月的 15 号)
因为…… 成绩放榜!!
真的希望今天就是我告别 MPharm 2 的时候了
顺顺利利的进入最艰难的 MPharm 3 ~
posted by Lay Ming at 1:31 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Before ~ o(^w^)o

After ~ o`(^m^)`0

Anyone, spot the differences?

2 more to go, pharmacology and formulation science, both 9am paper on Thurs and Fri. Both are huge modules (30 credits each = T.R.I.P.L.E modules) Check out how NEW they are (the books on my desk), bought it few months ago from eBay, cost me around 50 GBP but I seldom revise it, what a waste of money! To make buying worthwhile, I'm going to use/read it now, and yes NOW.! [NOW means stop typing and go back to work!!!] Let's see how many pages can I read by tonight and before the exam.

@x---- @y---- @z----

Studying now ~ z(U_U)z


posted by Lay Ming at 12:59 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Saturday, May 19, 2007
One more week, then I will be finishing my second year of MPharm course, time really flies..

2 down and 3 more to go on next week, the toughest papers are coming next week, wish me luck k. Upcoming paper; 22nd immunological, 24th pharmacology, 25th formulation science.

Can't wait for all the exams over, I wanna go home, and I'll be reaching home on the 8th June. Miss home so much. All the best to all of you who having exam as well.


posted by Lay Ming at 1:58 PM | Permalink | 2 comments
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Had my Clinical and Professional Pharmacy paper this afternoon. It is basically something to do with diseases and symptoms (got to know recognize what disease is that when patient describe their symptoms), law questions (negligence, consumer law, contract law, health & safety stuffs etc), hospital pharmacy, communication skill, etc etc. Was very confidence before I looked at the question, but after read through the first question, confidence gone.! Questions are more towards common sense (esp the very first question) and I am really bad in this style of question. Question asked how do you ensure your patient that collection service is as safe as she handed the prescription in by herself? How? How? I don't know. If can, I would answer if you don't trust us (the pharmacist and the prescriber) then walk in to hand your prescription over to the pharmacist by your own. But of coz for me to pass this exam, i didn't write that. I crap from consent to agreement to safe delivery to bla bla bla, couldn't remember. But overall, the paper still fine, I think I still can have at least PASS for this. Finger-cross and pray hard.

Am currently not in a very good mood, suppose to study for Friday's paper but just not in the mood yet, so pardon me for crapping around here. Had some argument with him just now, right after my exam, argue bout silly thing, really really silly, I know I am stupid for easily get angry of this silly matter but I don't think I am wrong, maybe I am wrong at the first place but he took it too seriously. We argue of the way I speak to him through the phone? Stupid rite? I called and he didn't pick up the phone, called again and I asked, 做么没有接我电话?I don't know how I sounded by that time, but this is my normal way of speaking to him when he didn't answer my call. We both have exam this afternoon, at 1.00pm, different venue. I don't care how you did in your exam (only for this situation) maybe you were in the bad mood due to the exam so you were hyper-sensitive to my words, but heys, I just speak as usual to you, don't you blame everything on me when you are in the bad mood.

Shouldn't have blog this out (家丑不可外传~)and I've never blog anything about our unhappy moment before in the blog, but what I really wanna say here is leaving together really made us argue more. Even a single tiny thing he've done can really irritate me sometimes. I rather we stay apart from each other although we will miss each other but at least we will have our own privacy and spaces when we need to. Someone once told me, this is not the best solution after all, cause I will still need to face the same problem in the future if we going to marry each other and stay together forever, and advise me to solve the problem rather than avoid the problem. I tried, I've tried to be more patient but sometimes it is hard tho (PMS???The best thing to blame on :p)
posted by Lay Ming at 4:04 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, May 14, 2007

Good Luck ohh my sa-po, all the best to you.! Muackssss ...

Best wishes,
posted by Lay Ming at 4:03 PM | Permalink | 2 comments
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Wish myself and my friends all the very very best of lucks in their exams either in this week or next week or next next week. I can't wait any longer for the coming summer break, 4 months holiday, hooraayyyy...!!! For now, i still need to work hard for the exams :( 2 more weeks to go, then I am free ...
posted by Lay Ming at 10:24 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
"M" is for the million things she gave me

"O" means only that she is growing old

"T" is for the tears she shed to save me

"H" is for her heart of purest gold

"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shinning

"R" means right, and right she'll always be

Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER", a word that means the world to me.

Wish all the mommy and mommy-to-be in this world Happy Mother's Day.


To my lovely mom, I sincerely wish you a happy mother's day and sorry for staying so far away from you and couldn't spend my time with you celebrating this meaningful day. Hope you enjoy yourself at least a tiny little bit cause I know you won't be enjoying much due to the tonne of works you have on hand. Another 2 more year, be patient, and I will be graduated from University-life, can earn money and can give you the very best of what i can afford. I want you to be healthy and happy always, and to enjoy the rest of your life with us and our kids. We will have a big + happy family after all. I know this is what you want and we will make it come true one day. I wanted to say I LOVE YOU to you through the phone just now but whenever the words came to my mouth, i swallowed it again, maybe shy? When is my last words of I LOVE YOU to my mom? I can say I LOVE YOU to my darling, say to my dad and mom through text messages or maybe blog (like now), but I just couldn't say it out from my mouth, OMG..!

Mom, I know you won't be reading this but i still wanna write it here, that i really really do LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU more than everything in the world.


posted by Lay Ming at 3:00 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, May 11, 2007


就是这样的把鸡蛋跟 pasta 放进锅里一起滚,可是却不知什么原因不吃,可能后来赶时间来不及吃了,就把煮好的 pasta和鸡蛋一起倒进碗里就不见人影了,那碗东西就这样的丢在厨房里的桌子上不管了(所以我才有机会拍到 :p)

重点是:鸡蛋连壳加 pasta 一起放到同一个锅里滚!我的天啊~

这个人就是我的其中一个 housemates 了,人不像人,鬼不像鬼的!

不是不可以吃鸡蛋,也不是不可以这样吃鸡蛋,但是, please laa ... 鸡蛋的外壳是很肮脏的,肉眼就可以看到好多的鸡毛粘在上面,还有那些黑黑看起来好像鸡粪的东西,肉眼看不到的更加不用说。为什么不能分开煮?为什么一定要只用一个锅来煮两个东西?省时间吗?


这已不是第一次了,不是 pasta 就是 broccoli,煮法还是一样,把蛋和壳再加食物一起煮,看了都觉得恶心,不明白他是怎样吞下去的,还口口声声的说吃的很有营养!当然有营养啦,维他命A-Z都给你包完进肚子了,真的服了你!

可能就是这样的天天吃鸡粪,所以排泄出来的也特别的臭!我就快被他的臭大便给熏死了! 救命啊啊啊~~~


posted by Lay Ming at 3:43 AM | Permalink | 2 comments
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Life is sucks when surrounded with books. Agree?

I am looking forward for the coming summer holiday, hooraayyy..!!!

It has been quite some time since i last went to town for shopping or even movie. Yesterday morning, after attended my final lecture at 9am, I went to town to meet darling for McD breakfast. Ordered a double sausage and egg burger with a cup of tea. Suppose to go back home after breakfast to continue with my revision but ended up doing some small shopping. SMALL shop only ya, really really small.

Bought myself a short pant and a top from ZARA (darling paid for it, thanks darling) and a pair of earing from Accessorize. That's all. So isn't this consider a "small" and "fast" shopping? :p Although I haven't been shopping for quite some time, but i still spend alot within this few weeks. I spend more from eBay, OMG.! Can't stop myself from visiting eBay.

Everytime i turn on my computer, after check mail, friendster, and blog world, the next thing will be eBay. I've been buying alot from eBay within the past few weeks. When i checked into my HSBC internet banking, all i spent for is eBay, eBay here and eBay there, seriously gonna stop myself from eBay already. I am broke ...

Oh ya, and I watched Spiderman 3 last night. Last minute decision and lucky enough to get ourselves the ticket at the very last minute. It's a very nice movie, I like it, but only when the spiderman wearing his red suit, totally hate it when he wearing the black suit. In this episode, the spiderman kiss is given to other girl instead of MJ, his gf (in the previous episode, both spiderman kiss is given to MJ, romantic..!!!) that's all bout my comment on this movie, haha.

See what juliet did after too much of studying .....

so don't study too much ya guys, take my advise..!
posted by Lay Ming at 7:48 PM | Permalink | 5 comments