I have been working with this HPLC machine nearly everyday in the lab since 2 weeks ago, and will still continue working with it till i finish my project in April i think. I hate it so much! I have got so much problems with it. After 2 weeks of "hard" work, I still couldn't work out what is the correct ratio of mobile phase for it. Arghhhhh I am really fed up! All my result couldn't be interpreted correctly due to this main problem. I got funny results every time I tried to run them through HPLC.
Aww ... i'm sorry, just ignore the above paragraph if you don't have any clue on what's going on, because I don't really know much about it too to be frank.
OK, throughout this 2 weeks working in the lab, I have make up a very serious decision, I am not not not going to do phD ever in my life, not even if they pay me 40k for doing phD (aduh, as if got ppl wanna pay me so high for phD). I am so stupid when comes to practical work. What I've learnt in theory throughout my MPharm life are all returned to the lecturers. I don't have any single knowledge in my brain right now.
A few incidences that happened in the lab:
Me: What is the difference between all these HPLC machines? (we have 3 HPLC in the lab)
Charles: Ahhh, where is all your knowledge on PH2108 gone?
(PH2108 - one of the modules in year 2 taught by him)
Me: (smiling) probably I've forgotten everything ... :p
Charles: (giving me instruction on what to do next) do this ... do that ...
Me: (blur face) oh okie (trying to act like understood him)
a few minutes later ...
Charles: do you understand what I was saying?
Me: emmmm .... not really ....
Charles: Urghhhh ...
Before leaving,
Charles: ... do this do that ... remember to keep the tissue samples in the fridge, we going to extract the drug from these tissues tomorrow.
Me: okie, no problem!
Upon going home (it was 7.30pm ok), shut down everything and gone straight home, totally forgot about the tissue samples, it was left unwrap and freely expose to the environment.
At 10.30pm, OMG, gillian help me, I am in a deep shit!!
Next morning ...
Me: charles, i am going to confess something to you.
Charles: OMG what have you done???
Me: explain and explain and still explain.
and he was quite fierce at that moment, but luckily he was alright afterwards.
aiksss ... there are too many careless mistakes done by me in the lab (Charles is so going to faint seeing me seeking for help from him everyday and he is so going to fail my project). Last night I nearly spoilt the super damn expensive HPLC. Charles spent about 2 hours to repair it this morning, but thanks God it is back to function again. But but but I'm having another problem with it again now!!! Arghhh .... this stupid machine here really drive me crazieee ~~~